Would a P4 2.8ghz be beefy enough to replicate G3/400 performance?Įdit 7/7/11: So to summarise what seems to be around for Windows based on replies received and then browsing wikipedia: With sound and video so I can play Ambrosia games like Barrack, Apeiron, Mars Rising. So I wondered if someone could recommend a PC-based Mac OS emulator that could run OS7.5 through to OS9? Windows or linux. I have a spare motherboard but it's really the hd that bothers me and I'm tired of buying secondhand gear that - in the case of hd's - often doesn't work for long. My old Mac 5500 with a G3 upgrade is probably going to die some day, the hd can't last forever anyway and although it takes IDE hd's it only takes ones that have Apple firmware available.